We made it!
41 hours total travel time from our driveway in Rockwall to our apartment in Thimphu. Dallas-Seoul-Bangkok-Calcutta-
As you can imagine we were all getting pretty fuzzy near the end. But a view of Everest on our leg from Calcutta to Thimphu perked us up. It’s pretty amazing to be cruising at 30,000 feet and see a mountain out the window nearly level with you.
And in case that didn’t wake us up enough, there was the approach and landing at the airport in Paro, Bhutan. Dubbed one of the scariest landings in the world, only a handful of pilots are certified to land at Paro. The plane banks steeply as it follows a wooded valley, walls of mountains on both sides. After a sharp left, then a right the pilot drops down onto a runway that is shorter than it is high (something usually avoided in aviation).
The Himalayan airport so dangerous only eight pilots are qualified to land there | Daily Mail Online