It’s hard to believe. Our family’s big Himalayan adventure was first dreamt up 6 years ago. But it was just a year ago when we took the first step and applied to go. And it was only 3 months ago that we bought the tickets. So much time and planning and fretting, and it’s almost here!
And there is still so much to do. Mountains of gear are piled on the spare bed defying any attempt to be crammed into duffle bags. Travel insurance, mail cancellation, withdraw the kids from school, packing lists, first aid kit, host gifts, fundraising….Did our visas come today? It’s a whirlwind of activity at the Byer house.
It’s so easy to get tangled up in the stress and details of planning something this big (imagine taking your kids to Disney…for 5 weeks…if Disney was on the other side of the planet…and had squat toilets). But when we’re starting to feel overwhelmed we remember, in 32 days (because it will take 2 travel days to get there) we’ll get to watch our kids eat Yak cheese. And then we feel better.