And just like that it’s over. A decade of wishing, a year’s worth of hard planning and scheming, and here we are looking out at the frighteningly short and narrow […]
YoPlay Away! Kids yoga can go anywhere.
Prior to my arrival in Bhutan, I reached out to the Early Learning Center, in Mothitang, to organize some volunteer work for the girls and myself. Having spent two years […]
Bhutan, Advanced Settings:
Bhutan, Advanced Settings: Bhutanese consider it impolite to say no. So they have many different forms of yes ranging from “very unlikely” to “it is certain”. If they say yes […]
Bhutan Basics
Bhutan basics: National Bird- Raven Favorite Food- Anything with chilies Fridge settings-Winter, Summer, Monsoon Toilets- squat (bring paper unless adept at the Asian bidet, water bucket and a scoop) They […]
Lunch with Lamas
The snows held off. This past weekend we finally made it out of Thimphu, our guide, OR nurse Sonam. I couldn’t be more proud of the girls. They stoically endured […]
Shangri-La 2.0
In Dzongkha, Druk Yul is the name Bhutanese give their country. It translates to Land of the Thunder Dragon. They should call it Land of the Thunder Dog. Packs of stray […]
Springtime Snow
We had planned a weekend excursion to Punakha, the former capital of Bhutan. But the Himalayas had other plans, and surprised us with a spring snow. With the 10,000 foot […]
Himalayan Adventure: Our First Few Days
98% of a big fat Himalayan adventure is figuring out the mundane. How do you charge a laptop, make a local call, find bathroom cleaner. Our first days in Bhutan are […]
V-Day is for Visas
This blog post is written by talented husband Bill……. V-Day is for Visas At two weeks to departure and still no travel Visas, I awoke again with knots in my […]
30 days to Bhutan!
It’s hard to believe. Our family’s big Himalayan adventure was first dreamt up 6 years ago. But it was just a year ago when we took the first step and […]