As the new year begins, people tend to try to fix what they think is wrong with them by declaring a new years resolution. It’s that quick fix- going to the gym, starting a new diet, doing those superficial things that we think will make us feel good about ourselves in the moment. “I will be happy when….” These quick fixes usually don’t stick and we end up feeling worse about ourselves because these are the type of resolutions that don’t go deep enough to our core (not our abs!) to really make a lasting impact.
A few years back, in my small Kids Yoga teacher community, we got together online and talked about creating a word of action for our biz for the year. We then created our own individual mind map (thanks, Jodi) of goals for the year for our own businesses. I quickly realized that I couldn’t just focus on my business, I had to look deeper into what resonated with me personally. This translated into creating a personal action word for the year because our business life and our personal life is intertwined and interconnected. When I look back at all of my accomplishments from the past year based on my word,

which happened to be AUTHENTIC – being true to myself and my family we followed our calling and sold our house and 90% of everything we owned to live with less, happily, and to travel and volunteer internationally, continue to work on YoPlay but more authentically by doing only what felt good to me….. creating more teacher trainings, now I have 3 upcoming trainings in 2 states and one internationaly, more workshops to help those who work with children on a daily basis (Yoga 4 Classrooms) and my collaboration (Mindful Yoga Breaks) with my colleague and yogipreneur Lani – it’s truly amazing to see how deep that resonated in all I did throughout the year – personally and in my business. So this year, as I thought about my new word of the year I also wanted to go deeper with it. I chose GRATITUDE. I know with all the changes happening as we live this minimalist/nomadic life I need to have gratitude every step of the way. To be grateful for following where my heart leads us as a family, Byers Without Borders, and as a business owner.
I recently went to a yoga nidra (yogic sleep) workshop and we learned about writing a “Sankalpa.” This yoga tradition is an alternative to the typical New Year’s resolution. It varies from the traditional, in that it offers a resolve instead of a resolution. The resolve or sankalpa is a practice that starts with the thought that ‘you are already enough’. You already have what you need to be the best you within you. All you need to do is to focus your mind, connect to your heart and channel the energy from within.
This practice of writing your sankalpa starts with thinking about your limited belief. What is it that you tell yourself, that stops you from being your best self? So many of us have negative thoughts that control us and this allows for us to bring that change from within that all of us so desperately need. It is as simple as “I will trust in my ability and knowledge to bring my expertise to the world.” or “I will trust in my ability to make healthy choices with food.”
You can say this to yourself daily until it becomes part of you. What I learned is that the general timeline for a sankalpa is 6-18 months and it’s about the change that happens from within until it becomes part of you. Then you create a new one! I am finding this process to be extremely enlightening but this is only scratching the surface! So if this piques your interest, dive in and learn more with me.
We are always looking for that external gratification to feel good inside. But that is only temporary. I know this is a challenge that so many of us face and this year, I’m willing to meet it head on. How about you?
Please share your word, goals, intentions or sankalpa for the year if you feel so inclined!